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Create a dynamic dispatch Worker

After you have created a dispatch namespace, you can fetch any user Workers in the namespace using a dynamic dispatch Worker. The dynamic dispatch Worker has a namespace binding.

Use any method of routing to a namespaced Worker (reading the subdomain, request header, or lookup in a database). Ultimately you need the name of the user Worker.

In the following example, routing to a user Worker is done through reading the subdomain <USER_WORKER_NAME>*. For example, will run the script uploaded to PUT accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces/my-dispatch-namespace/scripts/my-customer.

export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
try {
// parse the URL, read the subdomain
let workerName = new URL(request.url).host.split('.')[0];
let userWorker = env.dispatcher.get(workerName);
return await userWorker.fetch(request);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message.startsWith('Worker not found')) {
// we tried to get a worker that doesn't exist in our dispatch namespace
return new Response('', { status: 404 });
// this could be any other exception from `fetch()` *or* an exception
// thrown by the called worker (e.g. if the dispatched worker has
// `throw MyException()`, you could check for that here).
return new Response(e.message, { status: 500 });

​​ Dispatch Namespace API reference

Method and endpointDescription
GET<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/scripts/?limit=<LIMIT>&cursor=:<CURSOR>&tags=:<TAGS_LIST>Lists the Workers that have been uploaded to this dispatch namespace.
This endpoint is paginated using the query parameters limit (to limit the number of results given, default and max of 1000) and cursor (for fetching pages after the first). It also accepts a comma-separated list of script tags and whether they should be included in the response, in the format tag-name:[yes/no]. Example: tags=customer-123:yes,production:no.
PUT<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/scripts/<SCRIPT_NAME>Uploads a Worker to a dispatch namespace.
DELETE<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/scripts/<SCRIPT_NAME>Deletes a script from a dispatch namespace. This will fully delete the given script, immediately making it unavailable to all of the dispatch namespace bindings referencing this dispatch namespace.
GET<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/scripts/<SCRIPT_NAME>Returns details for an individual script in a namespace.
POST '<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces'Creates a new dispatch namespace. Accepts a namespace name in the request body. { "name": "my-dispatch-namespace" }
DELETE '<ACCOUNT_ID>/workers/dispatch/namespaces/<NAMESPACE_NAME>'Immediately deletes a dispatch namespace and any scripts in the namespace.