Custom limits
Custom limits allow you to programmatically set limits on your customer’s Worker to set caps on usage. We support custom limits for CPU time and a number of subrequests.
Set Custom limits
Custom limits can be set in the dynamic dispatch Worker:
index.jsexport default { async fetch(request, env) { try { // parse the URL, read the subdomain let workerName = new URL(request.url).host.split('.')[0]; let userWorker = env.dispatcher.get( workerName, {}, {// set limits limits: {cpuMs: 10, subRequests: 5} } ); return await userWorker.fetch(request); } catch (e) { if (e.message.startsWith('Worker not found')) { // we tried to get a worker that doesn't exist in our dispatch namespace return new Response('', { status: 404 }); } return new Response(e.message, { status: 500 }); } },