Model ID: @cf/facebook/detr-resnet-50
DEtection TRansformer (DETR) model trained end-to-end on COCO 2017 object detection (118k annotated images).
Task Type: Object Detection
Code Examples
Worker - TypeScript
import { Ai } from "@cloudflare/ai";
export interface Env { AI: Ai;
export default { async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) { const res: any = await fetch(""); const blob = await res.arrayBuffer();
const ai = new Ai(env.AI); const inputs = { image: [ Uint8Array(blob)], };
const response = await "@cf/facebook/detr-resnet-50", inputs );
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ inputs: { image: [] }, response })); },
curl$CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID/ai/run/@cf/meta/detr-resnet-50 \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \ --data-binary @pedestrian-boulevard-manhattan-crossing.jpg
This task returns a list of detected objects, each one containing a label, a probability score, and its surrounding box coordinates.
[ { "label":"cat" ,"score":0.4071170687675476, "box": { "xmin": 0, "ymin": 0, "xmax": 10, "ymax": 10 } }, { "label":"face", "score":0.22562485933303833, "box": { "xmin": 15, "ymin": 22, "xmax": 25, "ymax": 35 } }, { "label":"car", "score":0.033316344022750854, "box": { "xmin": 72, "ymin": 55, "xmax": 95, "ymax": 72 } }
API Schema
The following schema is based on JSON SchemaInput JSON Schema
Output JSON Schema